Top 10 Fastest Players in NFL History – #2 Deion Sanders
#2 – Deion Sanders
Ask any of the best Wide Receivers ever who they think was the best Cornerback ever and they will all give you the same answer. It was Deion Sanders.
He was far from the best tackler, but he will tell you himself, “I didn’t get paid to tackle”. The reason he was the best ever was because he was the best cover Cornerback to ever play.
Deion Sanders would lockdown a side of the field and when the Quarterbacks decided to throw it his way, he made it his mission to bring back an interception for six points the other way.
He retired with the all-time record for return touchdowns until Devin Hester broke that record as a return specialist. Deion Sanders was so athletic that he is regarded as not only the best Cornerback ever, but one of the best returners ever. He even got some time at Wide Receiver showing off his versatility and speed.

Top 10 Fastest NFL Players Ever – #1 Darrell Green
#1 – Darrell Green
This is another case of fan voting leaving me scratching my head.
His hand timed 40 yard dash of 4.12 is impressive enough, but i’m more impressed with his time when the NFL introduced laser time. At 50 years old Darrell Green ran a 4.43 laser timed! Yes, you heard me right. Darrell Green is ageless wonder.
If there was a laser timed 40 yard dash when he was 20 year old, i’m sure Darrell Green would be in the record book. There is a reason this freak of a man lasted a whole 20 seasons with the Redskins.
He is considered one of the best cornerbacks ever with his ability to track down the fastest running backs or receivers. You won’t find film of anyone else chasing down hall of famers Eric Dickerson, Walter Payton and Tony Dorsett, from the opposite side of the field unless it’s Darrell Green.
Darrell Green was also a four time winner of the fastest man competition and the only multiple winner in NFL history to stay undefeated.