Home NBA Lists Best 3-Point Shooters Ever Hierarchy

Best 3-Point Shooters Ever Hierarchy

by Riley Baines

Best 3-Point Shooters Ever Hierachy

These are the best 3-point shooters ever ranked according to tiers. This list is based off the overall talent and career accomplishments. To no surprise this list includes the top 10 3-point shooters in NBA history.

Tier 1:

From left to right: Stephen Curry and Ray Allen

I was very close to having Stephen Curry own this tier. He has shattered all of the relevant 3-point single season records and is on pace to shatter Ray Allen’s all-time 3-point records.  That being said he hasn’t. Ray Allen still holds those records and if Stephen Curry didn’t play another game I don’t think I could have him owning this tier. I think we will soon have him on a level of his own, but for now Ray Allen needs to be included.

Tier 2:

From left to right: Kyle Korver, Reggie Miller, Steve Nash and Larry Bird.

This tier 2 is perfect. It has the pioneer for 3-point shooting in Larry Bird as well as 3 players who mastered the art as the NBA evolved. Larry Bird was a rookie when the NBA implemented the 3-point line and quickly became the best. Reggie Miller had the most volume, Kyle Korver and Steve Nash were much more efficient shooters. Steve Nash has said that if he was playing in the NBA today he would be attempting 20+ 3-pointers a game.

Tier 3:

From left to right: Peja Stojaković, Jason Terry, Dirk Nowitzki, Kevin Durant, Jason Kidd, Steve Kerr and Klay Thompson.

This is where it gets extremely difficult to rank for me. Most of these guys were are extreme volume shooters minus Steve Kerr. He instead is the all-time leader in 3 point percentage as he chose his shots wisely. Kevin Durant on the other hand is an elite scorer who shoots at will. It’s really hard to compare the spot up shooters on this list compared to the ones who create their own shot.f

Tier 4:

From left to right: Glen Rice, Mike Bibby, Paul Pierce, Dale Ellis, Kobe Bryant, Damian Lillard, Rashard Lewis, James Harden and Chauncey Billups

I’m sure this will create some controversy. Guys like Kobe Bryant and James Harden are viewed as elite 3-point shooters to the casual fan. The reality is I would include a Glen Rice or Paul Pierce a tier up before them. Damian Lillard is someone I see rising on this list, but I can’t justify having him higher just yet.

Tier 5:

From left to right: Steve Novak, Raja Bell, Manu Ginobli, Danny Green, Drazen Petrovic, JR Smith, JJ Redick, Vince Carter, Joe Johnson and Jason Richardson

This is where it get’s very difficult. A lot of these guys can have a case made for them being in the above tier. I can also make a case for players not listed on this hierarchy at all to be in this tier 5 spot. Guys like Drazen Petrovic have a small sample size, but a dominant resume over their short period of time.

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